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Here's 5 Things You Need To Know About Women in Construction:

There is a huge gender imbalance in the construction industry, some young women are put off by the stereotypes and the way the construction industry is percieved others are put off by the lack of acceptance and flexibility. Why do you think that only 10.3% of workers in the construction industry are women? We hope the next 5 things will help you.

Below, we have collected all the facts and figures to help you understand what’s going on with women in the construction industry.

How Many Women are in Construction?

10% of workers in the construction industry are women. 86.7% are in office positions and only 2.5% are tradespeople. Construction jobs are suppose to rise by 2 million in 2022 so hopefully these statistics will greatly improve over the course of 2022.

What Jobs Are Women Doing in The Construction Industry?

In the construction industry, women make up 14% of staff executive positions and 7% of line executives. 45% of women are working in sales & office roles, 31% are working in management roles, 21% are working in construction & maintenance roles, a measly 1.5% are working in roles regarding service & operations and lastly only 1.4% are working in roles related to transportation. Do any of these numbers shock you, or were they to be expected?

What About Women And Construction Firms?

13% of construction firms are owned by women, 9% with revenue earnings more than £500,000. There are a whopping 343,000 construction companies in the UK, which means 44,590 are owned by women. That’s a lot of companies but not a lot of women.

What About Women in Construction Related Leadership Roles?

In 2019, 7.5% of all construction leaders were women. However, 44% of the top leading construction companies have women in leadership/executive roles.  16% of these industry leaders employ women in C-level positions (CEO, CTO, CFO, CIO etc). The average time for women to stay in a C-level position is 7 years.

What Issues Do Women Face in The Construction Industry?

Pay Gap: 
43% of organizations do not actively monitor gender pay gaps.

73% of women feel passed over for roles because of their gender

Women have a higher risk of workplace injury because of poor fitting equipment.

60% of gender discrimination victims in the workplace are women.

8 out of 10 women feel left out at company social events.

Role Models: 
47% of women have never worked with a manager who is a woman. pay gaps.

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