“This website is funded by the European Union. The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), who are not responsible for them.
FEMCON Resources developed by the FEMCON project are licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). The FEMCON SHOWCASE is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.”
The FEMCON Curriculum is a pioneering collection of Open Education Resources (OERs) tailored specifically for VET trainers. It aims to equip them with specialist learning content to support women working in or aspiring to careers in the construction industry. This initiative seeks to foster career progression and development for females in this sector, addressing the critical need for greater gender equality and representation.
Despite the growing discourse on female representation in construction, progress towards gender equality is advancing too slowly. The FEMCON OERs, comprising a bespoke curriculum, pedagogic guide, and workbook, are designed to catalyse mainstream and widespread change within the industry. They respond to a demonstrated demand for more female workers, highlighted by our FEMCON project's needs analysis and the sector's skills challenges.
The PR2 FEMCON Curriculum stands as the first open-access, transnational European curriculum dedicated to equipping VET educators with the resources to support the female workforce in construction. Aligned with the EU Pact for Skills, the European Skills Agenda, and the 2021 report on gender equality in the EU, it addresses the industry's workforce shortage and contributes to tackling climate challenges through human resources development.