Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Kobieta w budownictwie - KSTvlog X Warbud (Woman in construction – KSTvlog X Warbud)

The interview, which was created in cooperation with the Warbud company as part of the implementation of the WOMAN IN CONSTRUCTION topic.

Kobiety w budownictwie - spotkanie online (Woman in construction – online meeting).

Interview with Agnieszka Gawryluk and Dagmara Sobolewska, employees of Erbud company. The first one works as the Contract Manager, and the second as the HR Director and Proxy.

"Kobiety w STRABAG" (Woman in STRABAG) Discussion panel dedicated to women working in STRABAG company, showing that this one branch brings many opportunities to work.

Interview with four woman working in STRABAG - Marta Promińska, Magda Nieboj, Marta Bil and Dominika Szponar, presenting positive impact and different fields of women working in construction.

Part 1

Part 2

Kobieta-inżynier na budowie mostu w Toruniu (Female engineer at the construction site of a bridge in Toruń)

Interview with Małgorzata Tandejko who works at construction site and builds bridge in Toruń

Kobieta operator walca. Agnieszka buduje obwodnicę Strzyżowa (Woman road roller operator.

Agnieszka is building the Strzyżów bypass). Interview with Agnieszka Kosiba who is a roller operator and work at construction site. She presents her motives to put interests of construction and her experiences as a worker at construction site.

Agnieszka Głowacka, ERBUD: Coraz więcej kobiet w białym kasku na budowach (Agnieszka Głowacka, ERBUD: More and more women in white helmets on construction sites).

The vice president of Erbud company Agnieszka Głowacka presents the role of women in Erbud company. She undelines that 40% of construction supervisors in Erbud are women.

Kobieca strona budownictwa – Przyszłość budownictwa należy do kobiet (Feminine side of construction - The future of construction belongs to women).

Presentation of Soletanche Polska company, in which women play the first fiddle at many levels of the professional hierarchy.

Kobieca strona budownictwa – Soletanche stawia na kobiety (The feminine side of construction - Soletanche focuses on women)

The Soletanche Polska company is an example of company in which woman play important role in construction. People work well in a mixed team, thanks to which it is possible to draw on male and female views on engineering and business.

Kobieca strona budownictwa – stereotypy (Feminine side of construction – stereotypes)
The Soletanche Polska company employees about stereotypes.

What stereotypes do women on the construction site have to face and how do they deal with them in the material on the pros and cons of working in the construction industry?

Kobieca strona budownictwa - Kobiety w budownictwie, a macierzyństwo i rodzina (Feminine side of construction – Woman in construction, motherhood and family).

Presentation showing how woman deal working in construction industry with motherhood and family life. In short interview women present how to reconcile professional work with the role of a mother.

Technik budownictwa (Construction technician) Material presenting the construction technician profession.

One of the speaker is Wioleta Pańczyk, who among man, work as construction technician and presents her career path. There are shown requirements and possibilities that offer the construction technician profession.

Dziewczyny Warbudu _ Women in Construction Week (Warbud woman_ Women in Construction Week).

Material presenting women from Warbud company in their normal work at construction site.

Dlaczego kobiety wykonują męskie prace? Kładziemy styropian! I do roboty (Why do women do men's jobs? We put styrofoam! To work).

The material presenting woman working in construction while doing her job. Demonstration episode of laying Styrofoam.

Videos for FEMCON

Inspiring the next generation of female engineers | Debbie Sterling -

Engineering - Where are the girls and why aren't they here? Dr. Jenna Carpenter

Why it’s tough for women to work in construction, and how that can change

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