Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Result 01

FEMCON INCLUSION REACH & TEACH toolkit, based on interactive, user-friendly formats, namely videos, text & graphics. As a TEACH tool, it will help VET educators reach both construction companies & female workforce, to inspire them to learn more about the need for change & take action.

Result 02

FEMCON CURRICULUM – a collection of Open Education Resources to equip VET trainers to provide specialist learning content to women working or interested in a career in the construction to help career progression & development of females in this industry. The OERs will include the pedagogic guide, which will explain methods to use & deliver the curriculum

Result 03

The FEMCON WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION GOOD PRACTICE SHOWCASE aims to inspire women interested in construction and those already working in the industry, as well as construction companies and VET, to strive for more visible roles and more favourable positions in the industry by highlighting solutions that can be implemented further.

Result 04

FEMCON INTERACTIVE LEARNING DIGITAL PLATFORM will facilitate collaboration, promote peer-to-peer learning, and encourage cross-project idea fertilisation. It will aid in the development of closer relationships as well as the sharing of information and learning. The tool will be used by all stakeholders to promote "communities and networks of learning, collaboration, and practise."

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