Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Ambition Theory: Women in Construction
Why women love working in the trades with Lorien Barlow, director Hard Hatted Woman.

Jan 2020

Length: 56 min 28 sec

Episode Description

Lorien Barlow began developing the documentary Hard Hatted Woman in 2013 and has since then interviewed dozens of tradeswomen from all over the US.  In this interview Lorien talks about her motivation to take on this project and what she learned filming women on construction sites all across the US. Her biggest ‘aha’ moment was when she started to explore the reasons why women go into the trades, because it’s not what you think. Working in the trades is a really great job, but today there are still very few women in the profession, and the numbers aren’t really changing. Lorien is going to leverage this film to change the narrative and start a different conversation about the trades.

Ambition Theory: Women in Construction
What Women Want: How to Build a workplace where women can thrive with Tim Taylor

May 2023

Length: 39.20

Ambition Theory partnered with the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) on Building Better: Women In Construction Study. Many Women in Construction initiatives celebrate the contributions of women in the industry, which is important. This session aims to take things a step further–we’re focused on ways to take action and drive real change. Tim Taylor, the Director of Research for NCCER dives into the results of the study.


  • Explore and examine the results of our study
  • Hear the experiences of real women working in construction
  • Provide tangible steps individuals and organizations can take immediately

National Center for Construction Education and Research

Bred to Build- Construction Podcast
Women in Construction with Kristina Mahler

March 2021

Length: 52.36

On this episode we chat with Kristina Mahler, from Steel Toe Consulting & Crew Collab, about women in construction and what we can do to build a more diverse workforce

Enterprise Ireland Evolve UK PodcastThe Legacy of She Built That- With Anne Corr and Niamh Kearney

August 2020

Length: 21.25

She Built That is an initiative that is regarded as one of Enterprise Ireland's most impactful in recent times. Construction is an industry so often criticised for its lack of diversity, but this event highlighted the real influence that women have in the sector, and looked to inspire the next generation of great women in construction. One year on, Conor Stone and Kevin Fennelly sit down with the minds behind the initiative, Anne Corr and Niamh Kearney, to discuss the ideation, the execution and the impact of She Built that.

If you would like to reach out to any of the podcast participants, please email

Kobiety Jak Rakiety - Ewa Matuszak (Rocket woman - Ewa Matuszak)

Ewa Matuszak runs a Facebook group “Baba z budowy - Kobiety w budownictwie” and blog dedicated for women in construction. Over 3000 women signed up to the Facebook profile.

Podcast Budowlany - #02 Kobiety w branży budowlanej (Construction Podcast – Woman in construction)

Podcast by Ewa Matuszak - Baba z Budowy, and Anna Żmuda from CONCRETnie na Budowie presenting the situation of women in the construction industry in Poland.

#65 Kobieta w budownictwie. Jak się odnaleźć? Rozmowa z Justyną (Woman in construction. How to find yourself? Conversation with Justyna).

The interview with Justyna (@mieszanka.betonowa) about her experiences in construction industry. She breaks stereotypes and shows that woman can feel very well and strong in construction.

Kluczowe umiejętności w pracy inżyniera (Crucial skills in the work of an engineer on a construction site).

Podcast about soft competences needed in construction site.

Podcast Link


The Ambition Theory Podcast focuses on strategies and thought leadership around creating a workplace where everyone is welcome and everybody can thrive and we’re not going to shy away from the difficult conversations.

Podcast Link


You want to know more about what we do but don’t have the time to read too many articles? Why not try one of our podcast episodes on ‘Future Construction’?

Podcast Link

The Irish Construction Industry: Is it a man’s world?

We are back for another season of Under Construction with Chadwicks with a brand new host, Ireland & Munster Rugby Legend and Radio Presenter Donncha O'Callaghan. In this episode, hosts Pat Moore and Donncha speak to guests Kate Fahey and Amy O’Toole about the challenges of being a woman in the construction industry.

Kate and Amy share their personal experiences of working in a male-dominated industry and how they overcome the obstacles they face on a daily basis. They also share their insights on how to encourage more women to pursue careers in construction, including the need for better career guidance in schools.

Podcast Link
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