Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Welcome to our unique and comprehensive toolkit, designed with the ethos of equality at its core.

Despite substantial progress, we understand that significant gender gaps persist in the labour sector, particularly within the construction industry. Our toolkit, therefore, aims to address this disparity head-on. Comprising of informative videos, text and graphics, our toolkit provides the means for Vocational Education Trainers (VET) educators to connect with women in the construction sector. It empowers companies within the industry to not just learn about the need for change but also motivates them to take concrete action.

So, who is this toolkit for? While it is primarily designed with VET educators and companies in the European construction sector in mind, its scope extends much further. It serves as a valuable guide for organisations in the construction sector and actors involved in recruitment processes within the industry. Moreover, individuals who wish to champion equality in their construction-related organisations will find it a useful starting point.

The toolkit's primary focus is on reaching out to VET educators and construction companies to design equality policies and strategies at all work levels. With a wide audience in its purview, it seeks to inspire improvement in the current scenario and enhance the quality of training provided to women in the construction sector. By providing accessible guides and tools, we aim to make a meaningful contribution to ensuring equality in the construction industry.

Take the Quiz

Join us on this journey of change. Let's reach, teach, and learn together to build a more equal future in the construction sector…

Self Assessment 

1. Women represent 9% of the workforce in the construction sector in the EU. Please, indicate the estimated percentage of women in your organisation.(Required)
2. Indicate whether you have female references in management and decision-making positions.(Required)
3. The commitment of the executive staff is very important for the implementation of equality measures on both formal and informal levels?(Required)
4. If you answered YES to the previous question, do you have an accessible platform or system for employees to find out about equality policies? (If you did not answer YES, do not answer this question, and go on to the next one).
5. The use of inclusive language in documents as well as in informal language, is important to avoid situations of discrimination. Is inclusive language used in the materials and documentation developed in your company/organisation?(Required)
6. One of the most efficient ways to create commitment to the use of this type of language, as well as to internalise the measures proposed with regard to equality policies, is through training.(Required)
7. All equality and equity measures must have a responsible person or department responsible for their development and implementation. Do you have a group or a person responsible for the design and implementation of these measures in your company/organisation?(Required)
8. All strategies and objectives related to equality policies must be included in the Action Plan of the company/organisation where the process, timeline, responsible persons... for the implementation of this type of actions are explained. Do you have an Action Gender Plan in your company/organisation?(Required)
9. If you answered YES, does your Action Gender Plan have an evaluation and monitoring system in place to include improvements or modifications if necessary? (If you did not answer YES, do not answer this question, and go to the next one).(Required)
10. In case you have answered "In process" in any of the previous answers, regarding the design of equality policies, platforms, or accessible training on gender equality in your organisation/company or for the development of an Action Gender Plan, please specify the estimate of the implementation of the same.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Funded by the European Union. The views expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), who are not responsible for them.

FEMCON Resources are licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). The FEMCON SHOWCASE is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

© 2024 FEMCON.